Georgia Save the date! International conference in Georgia We are happy to announce that Georgia is hosting an international conference of judicial officers.…Marc Schmitz24. February 2022
AfricaOhadaSenegal The UIHJ and African Judicial Officers at the heart of the reform of the Ohada Uniform Act on enforcement The UIHJ organised on 16 and 17 February 2022 in Dakar, Senegal, in partnership with…Marc Schmitz20. February 2022
European Commission Publication of the 2021 Report on European Judicial Training for Legal Practionners The Directorate-General Justice and Consumers of the European Commission has published its annual Report on…Marc Schmitz22. December 2021
NEWS UIHJ Tribute to Jacques Isnard (1942-2020), Past President of the UIHJ from 1994 to 2009, during the 24th International Congress of Judicial Officers in Dubai on 23 November 2021, one year after his death. A vibrant tribute was paid to Jacques Isnard, in particular through an evocation of his…Marc Schmitz20. December 2021
NEWS UIHJUnited Arab Emirates 24th International Congress of the UIHJ in Dubaï attended by more than 500 participants More than 500 participants for the 24th International Congress of the UIHJ in Dubai from…Marc Schmitz20. December 2021
Council of Europe 4th revision of the CEPEJ Guidelines on judicial time management Following the 37th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ which took place in Strasbourg on 8th…Marc Schmitz14. December 2021
France Inauguration of the Jacques Isnard Gallery on 3 December 2021 in Montpellier (France) The UIHJ, represented by its honorary president, Françoise Andrieux, its former 1st vice-president, Mathieu Chardon,…Marc Schmitz13. December 2021
NEWS UIHJ Official presentation of the Global Code on Digital Enforcement The UIHJ presented during its 24th International Congress in Dubai the Global Code of Digital…Marc Schmitz8. December 2021
Hague Conference Perspectives of HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention for the Western Balkans The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with the Hague Conference on Private…Marc Schmitz18. November 2021
Romania Participation of the UIHJ on 28 and 29 October 2021 in an international conference in Bucharest (Romania) on the fundamental importance of enforcement law in the proper functioning of the rule of law This colloquium was organised by the “Ovidius” University of Constanţa, the “George Emil Palade” University…Marc Schmitz29. October 2021
Congo Death of Jean Makosso Tock, Past President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Congo We were shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the passing of President Makosso Tock…Marc Schmitz27. October 2021
France In Memoriam – Death of Jacques Bertaux, Past President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of France, on 11 October 2021, at the age of 86. We learned with sadness of the death of Jacques Bertaux, faithful companion of the UIHJ…Marc Schmitz26. October 2021
NEWS UIHJ UIHJ webinar on judicial and extrajudicial e-Auctions The UIHJ organized a webinar on judicial and extrajudicial e-Auctions on 25th October 2021 …Marc Schmitz25. October 2021
Cameroon A delegation of the UIHJ, represented by its president, Marc Schmitz, participates in the first edition of the HUISS’VERSITE training in Douala (Cameroon) on 7 and 8 October 2021 The Steering Committee of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Cameroon (CHNJC) organised on…Marc Schmitz20. October 2021
NEWS UIHJ The International Congress of the UIHJ is approaching! Registration for the 24th UIHJ International Congress, which will take place from 22th till 25th…Marc Schmitz11. October 2021
Council of Europe Awarding ceremony of the 11th European “Crystal Scales of Justice” Prize of the Council of Europe Participation of the UIHJ on 1st October 2021 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in the awarding ceremony…Marc Schmitz11. October 2021
United Nations Meeting of UNCITRAL Working Group II on Dispute Settlement from September 27 to October 4, 2021 Sue Collins attended this meeting of the United Nations Commission for the Development of International…Marc Schmitz10. October 2021
Vietnam Participation of the UIHJ in a webinar organised on 30 September 2021 by the French Embassy in Vietnam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice on multilateral cooperation in the enforcement of civil justice decisions Mathieu Chardon, first Vice-President of the UIHJ, participated in this webinar, the central theme of…Marc Schmitz30. September 2021
Portugal VIII Congress of Solicitors and Enforcement Agents of Portugal: technology, innovation and the future under debate September 10th marked the beginning of the VIII edition of the Portuguese Congress of Solicitors…Marc Schmitz22. September 2021
Brazil 13th National Congress of Federal Judicial Officers of Brazil (CONOJAF) Following the cancellation of 2020 Congress, the 13th National Congress of Federal Judicial Officers of…Marc Schmitz8. September 2021