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UIHJ Webinars

On this page, you will have access to all documents presented during the UIHJ webinars and you have the possibility to watch again the webinar.

Webinar 25 OCT 2021 : “Judicial and extrajudicial e-Auctions”

In many countries, judicial officers are empowered to carry out judicial and extrajudicial auctions of movables and/or immovable. This activity is moreover provided for by the CEPEJ Guidelines of 17 December 2009 on enforcement.

E-Auctions are growing rapidly. They have already shown their effectiveness. However, their practice requires IT tools and logistics that should be mastered and some still hesitate or are not yet authorized in their country to carry it out.

The purpose of this UIHJ webinar is to discuss the state of play of online judicial and extrajudicial auctions and to expose their practical aspects, through concrete examples, presented by judicial officers.

Come and discover this activity or improve its practice.



Introduction: Marc Schmitz, UIHJ president

Moderator : Jos Uitdehaag (NL)

International principles: Jos Uitdehaag (NL)

General state of play of online sales around the world: Massimiliano Blasone (Italy)

National examples of online auctions 

– Portugal (Rui Simao)

– Georgia (Erekle Ghvinianidze)

– Belgium (Patrick Gielen)

– Lithuania (Dovilė Satkauskienė)


You have the possibility to rewatch the webinar by clicking this button :

Webinar 08 JUL 2021 : “Closing conference of the EU-Enforcement Atlas project”

The project:
EU Enforcement Atlas is a research project funded by the European Union’s Directorate General Justice and Consumers, with the aim to cover the information gap on enforcement procedures, requirements, competences, costs and timing in the EU-28, including the UK, numbering 30 distinct enforcement systems.
Problem addressed:
When it comes to the actual enforcement of judicial and extrajudicial documents within the European Union, enforcement procedures are carried out on a national level respecting the independency of national judicial systems. The first barrier to judicial cooperation is the lack of open, reliable and updated information on enforcement agents, enforcement procedures, and associated costs. To this moment, the available information on enforcement methods, the application of the enforcement procedures and the connected enforcement costs per Member State is hardly available outside such Member State.
The EU Enforcement Atlas complements the Find A Bailiff initiative by collecting and making available information on the services offered by enforcement agents, and the conditions for their provision. The project, implemented by the Centre for European Constitutional Law – Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation and the International Union of Judicial Officers, addresses the above concerns by:
a) collecting accurate and updated information on enforcement legislation, procedures, expenses and professionals, across all 30 EU enforcement systems (EU-28 including the UK);
b) comparatively analyzing and presenting the collected information in a user-friendly way, with the use of visuals and infographics;
c) making information available online through the project specific website;
d) designing a targeted information campaign, communicated through the internet, social media and national chambers, targeting judicial officers, lawyers, notaries and stakeholders across the EU; and
e) holding an online European Roundtable, on July 8th, 2021, on the future of enforcement of claims and cross-border judicial cooperation, where the information campaign will be launched and the project results discussed.
The EU Enforcement Atlas benefits the International and European Union of Judicial Officers; the National Chambers and associations of Judicial Officers in the EU-28; competent EU Institutions; legal professionals and authorities; as well as citizens and businesses across the EU.
More information on EU Enforcement Atlas:
Information on the news and actions of the project can be found through project’s website.
For more information, please contact the Centre for European Constitutional Law, Annie Camarioti, Project Manager,, or the International Union of Judicial Officers, Jos Uitdehaag,
The closing conference took place on 8th July 2021 under the form of a European Roundtable, aiming to bring together policymakers, enforcement agents, and selected stakeholders in order to initiate discussion on the future of cross-border enforcement in the area of e-justice.
You can watch the event again by clicking HERE

Webinar 18 MAR 2021 : “Webinar of the UIHJ in partnership with The Hague Conference on Private International Law”

The UIHJ has organized its 3rd training webinar on Monday 15 March 2021 from 17.00 to 18.30 CET (in French) and Thursday 18 March 2021 2021 from 17.00 to 18.30 CET (in English) on the Hague Conventions on service of documents (1965) and recognition and enforcement of judgments (2019) in partnership with The Hague Conference on Private International Law.

In international matters, judicial officers and enforcement agents are required to use two instruments of the Hague Conference on Private International Law:

  • The Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters.
  • The Hague Convention of 2 July 2019 on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil or commercial matters.

Faced with a constant increase in the number of cross-border disputes and at the time of Brexit, the UIHJ examines the application of these two global instruments and offers a training webinar for judicial officers but also other legal professionals, deliberately oriented towards practice.

The webinar covered the following issues:

  • 1965 Convention: recent information, case law and practical application (finding central authorities, use of forms, translations, practical difficulties, etc.).
  • 2019 Convention: analysis and inventory.

Program of the Webinar:

Moderator: Jos Uitdehaag, Secretary of the Board of the UIHJ

Introduction by Marc Schmitz, President of the UIHJ

Practical use of the Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters  by Elizabeth Zorilla, representative of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and by Mathieu Chardon, 1st Vice-President of the UIHJ

  • Which texts to use: national law, European regulation, bilateral conventions, international conventions?
  • Where can I find the necessary information?
  • Which forms to use?
  • Should documents and forms be translated?
  • How to send the documents?
  • What to do in the absence of a response from the foreign authority seized?
  • What are the costs?
  • How to resolve practical difficulties that may arise during the process?

Presentation of the Hague Convention of 2 July 2019 on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil or commercial matters by Ning Zhao, representative of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

Questions – Answers

You can watch the session again by clicking HERE


Practical use of the Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters  by Elizabeth Zorilla, representative of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

Practical use of the Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters  by Mathieu Chardon, 1st Vice-President of the UIHJ

Presentation of the Hague Convention of 2 July 2019 on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil or commercial matters by Ning Zhao, representative of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

Webinar 05 OCT 2020 : “Judicial officer and evidence through statements of facts”

The UIHJ organized on 5th October 2020 a webinar on the theme: “Judicial officer and evidence through statements of facts”

After the success of the first webinar organized on 11th June 2020, the UIHJ organized a second webinar on the theme of statements of facts, which focused on the tools available to judicial officers to help them fulfill their mission.

More than 450 participants get registered for the event.

The statement of fact is a universal method of providing evidence through a report which, when it is carried out by a judicial officer, gives it such probative force that many litigants prefer to waive or negotiate rather than face a trial that they know has been lost in advance.

The statement of fact provides evidence of a material fact, regardless of any factual or legal consequence. If the judicial officer uses his five senses as part of his mission, the assistance of tools and technologies allow him to act with great precision and to improve his work (photographs, audio recordings, videos, Internet, geolocation, social media, use of drones, etc.).

The judicial officer must first know the tools at his disposal, using only those recognized by law or case law. He must then learn to master them while respecting fundamental rights.

This was precisely the purpose of this practical webinar.

To fluidify the exchanges, two sessions were organized, one in the morning in French and one in the afternoon in English.

Program of the afternoon session (IN ENGLISH ONLY) :

  • Opening: Marc Schmitz, president of the UIHJ
  • Presentation: Jos Uitdehaag, secretary of the UIHJ
  • Statements of facts on the Internet – Rules and protocol: Mathieu Chardon, 1st vice-president of the UIHJ
  • Statements of facts and video, audio messages, SMS, WhatsApp, social medias, etc.: Rui Miguel Simao, Secretary of the Order of solicitadores and enforcement agents in Portugal
  • Statements of facts, drones, and privacy: Marc Schmitz, president of the UIHJ
  • Discussions: Jos Uitdehaag, secretary of the UIHJ

You can watch the session again by clicking HERE


Statement of facts on the internet (Mathieu Chardon)

Statement of facts of video messages and on social media (Rui Simao)

Statement of facts by drone (Marc Schmitz)

Webinar 11 JUN 2020 : “The Judicial Officer at your side to resolve the Covid-19 crisis”

On the occasion of the 13th World Day of the Judicial Officer, the UIHJ organised on 11th June 2020 its first webinar on the theme of: “The Judicial Officer at your side to resolve the Covid-19 crisis”.

The Coronavirus is the first global event of the 21st Century with a lasting impact on the entire planet, questioning all our certitudes.

As regards ​​debt recovery and enforcement of court decisions, most states have introduced measures to limit or stop the proceedings, for varying lengths of time. However, the enforcement of court decisions is an essential element of the rule of law, without which the judge’s decision has no value.

The judicial officer is not a blind enforcer. He faces complex situations daily and ensures to maintain the right balance between the rights and interests of everyone, whatever their situation.

In this context, in many States, the profession of judicial officer shows adaptability and creativity to bring the adapted answers to this unprecedented problematic.

This is the reason why the 13th World Day of the Judicial Officer was devoted to the measures proposed by the judicial officers to resolve the crisis of Covid-19, in the form of a Webinar, formula which we thought to be most suited to the current situation, and followed by over 200 participants from over 20 countries.

During the webinar, the position paper of the UIHJ on the Covid-19 crisis was discussed. The pandemic has also influenced reflections on a new paradigm for work organisation and digitalisation. Finally, the UIHJ did present an inventory of the situations as regards enforcement in 24 countries faced with the Covid-19 crisis, opening the way for many comments and questions of the participants.

To fluidify the exchanges, two sessions were organized on 11 June 2020, in French in the morning, and in English in the afternoon. The webinar speakers were:

Marc Schmitz, president of the UIHJ
Mathieu Chardon, 1st vice-president of the UIHJ
Jos Uitdehaag, secretary of the board of the UIHJ
Carlos Calvo, secretary of the Executive Committee of the European Union of judicial officers
Patrick Gielen, judicial officer (Belgium), advisor to the president and member of the Innovation Team of the UIHJ

You can view the entire Webinar just by clicking HERE


COVID-19 : position paper of the UIHJ (Marc Schmitz)

State of play in relation to the COVID-19 (Mathieu Chardon)

COVID-19 and the digitization of justice (Jos Uitdehaag)

Any question? Feel free to contact us.