The project “Cross-border enforcement of judgments” financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Open Regional Funds for South East Europe-Legal Reform in cooperation with the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ) organized the first session of the regional Train-the-Trainer (ToT) program on enforcement law (via Zoom platform) from 15th to 18th February 2021 for a group of selected enforcement agents from South East European countries.
The ToT program has the objective to develop a sustainable training program for enforcement agents in order to improve cross-border enforcement of foreign judicial decisions and to develop a core group of UIHJ certified trainers for South East Europe.
The first training session covered the latest trends in judicial training and introduced a unified methodology for curriculum development and requirements for effective training. Participants discussed cross-border enforcement in their respective legal systems and possible training areas and issues. As a result, groups were established following the regional representation principle and topics include Cross-Border Enforcement in Alimony Cases, Cross-Border Service of Documents, The Hague Service Convention of 1965, Regional Case Law Regarding Enforcement, E-execution and Standardised Regional Approach, The Hague Judgment Convention of 2019 and Enforcement Against the State.
The next session of the ToT program is scheduled for 6-9 April 2021.