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On 13 December, UIHJ, within the Balkan Enforcement Strengthening Project (BESP) met with the Minister of Justice of Montenegro, Mr. Bojan Božović. UIHJ was represented by its first vice-president, Jos Uitdehaag, who also expressed his gratitude on the excellent cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the Chamber of Private enfor4cement Agents of Montenegro.

As one of the first countries in the region, Montenegro has signed and ratified the HCCH Judgment Convention. During the meeting the further steps for implementation of this Convention were discussed: the training for judges, enforcement agents and other legal professions (later that day, UIHJ had also a meeting with the director of the Judicial training Centre of Montenegro). The further topics of discussion comprised:  the drafting of amendments to the Law on enforcement Procedures and the Law on Private Enforcement Agents, the importance of cross border cooperation to strengthen cross border enforcement, improving the mechanisms for monitoring and control of the work of enforcement agents by the ministries of justice in the Western Balkan region and the need for adjustment of the fee structure.