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On 11 December 2024, the Montenegrin Chamber of Private Enforcement Agents celebrated its 10 year anniversary. On that occasion the Chamber organised a conference titled “Ten years in the service of justice; experiences and lessons learned”. The conference was opened by Mr. Bojan Božović, Minister of Justice, Mr. Vidak LATKOVIĆ, President of the Chamber of Public Bailifs of Montenegro, Dr. Vesna Vučković, President of the Supreme Court of Montenegro, Mrs. Snezana Armenko, President of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro and Mrs. Ivana Jelić, Vice President of the European Court of Human Rights. UIHJ was represented by its first vice-president, Jos Uitdehaag.

Both within the legal field and in Montenegrin business, the work of the private enforcement agents was considered as a very positive contribution to the legal developments of the country. The Chamber is currently very active, together with the Ministry of Justice, to amend the current legislation, with a view on the future. In that work they are fully supported by the Minister of Justice. The Conference focused on the future role of the enforcement agent. Topics such as social debt collection (preventing legal proceedings, using language that everyone can understand, looking for realistic and therefore sustainable payment arrangements together with the debtor, and proactively helping to resolve other debts), amicable debt collection, different fee structures and the role of IT and AI were discussed thoroughly.