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On 15th November 2024 the Kosovo Chamber of Private Enforcement Agents celebrated its 10th Anniversary. CILC has been involved in the process of creation of this very Chamber and initiating the PEA reform since 2008 through its previous project Balkan Enforcement Reform Initiative (BERP). The current Balkan Enforcement Strengthening Project (BESP), as financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supported the organization of this remarkable milestone by holding a ceremony and a discussion of the presidents of the Chambers in the region. More than 70 participants from the Ministry of Justice, Judicial Council, Ombudsman, Kosovo Bar Association, Notary Chamber, international guests, representatives of other enforcement chambers and UIHJ and UEHJ, represented by its secretary-general Dovile Satkauskiene, and the private enforcement agents of Kosovo discussed in Pristina the role of the enforcement agents and their integrity and independence, the achievements of the profession during the past ten years and the challenges they are still facing. The president of UIHJ, Marc Schmitz, congratulated the Kosovo Chamber with their anniversary which not only is “a time to celebrate your accomplishments but also an opportunity to look forward. The future will bring new challenges and new opportunities. In an ever-changing world, the role of private enforcement officers remains crucial. Whether through embracing digital transformation, adapting to evolving legal frameworks, or strengthening international cooperation, your Chamber is well-positioned to lead the way.”

UIHJ is partnering together with the Centre for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) in the BESP project. The project focuses on strengthening the professionalism and ethics of enforcement agents, improving their regional cooperation, exchanging practices and learning from each other. Without strong monitoring and control there cannot be a trustworthy and transparent profession, so the BESP project focuses on strengthening supervision and is currently building capacity and professionalism, improving the disciplinary practice. In Kosovo, through the BESP project, UIHJ provides expert support to the drafting of the Enforcement part of the future Civil Procedure Code of Kosovo.

Recently and with BESP/ UIHJ project support, Kosovo joined two conventions of the Hague Conference of Private International Law (the HCCH): the Choice of Court and the Judgments Convention of 2019.