The CONOJAF – National Congress of Federal Judicial Officers and the ENOJAP – National Meeting of Retired Judicial Officers of 2023 entered the historical records of Fenassojaf, with a successful organization of the largest event for Federal Judicial Officers in Belém, Brazil.
More than 260 people were at the Maria Sylvia Nunes Theater, at Estação das Docas, for the two days of Congress which, in addition to an innovative and technological proposal, guaranteed debates on topics that relate to day-to-day operations in the enforcement of orders.
The UIHJ was represented by the President Marc Schmitz, the Vice-Presidents Luis Ortega and Jean Didier Bidié and Patrick Gielen, Secretary. The event was under the organization of ASSOJAF/Pará-Amapá, local association presided by Malone Cunha, also member of the board of the UIHJ.
The use of drones in enforcement acts, the security of judicial officers, mental health and the need for unity and joint work between representative entities were the motto of the panels in Belém. With the contribution of foreign colleagues from Portugal, Argentina and Italy, participants had the opportunity to learn more about the work carried out by Judicial Officers from other countries, as well as Fenassojaf’s work with the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ).
In addition to the scientific grid, the delegates selected by the regional associations elected the new executive board and Fiscal Council of Fenassojaf, ensuring the continuity of the work carried out by the category and in defense of the entire public service.
The board 2023/2025 took over the administration of Fenassojaf since last Saturday (09). Mariana Liria was elected President of Fenassojaf, having the Vice-Presidency of the former President Neemias Freire. Malone Cunha was re-elected as Director of International Relations, keeping the attribution of represent Fenassojaf inside UIHJ.
The general assembly of Fenassojaf was in favor to not have a CONOJAF in 2024, in order to welcome the 25th Congress of the UIHJ as the one and only event of the year.