In memoriam – Death of Georgis Mitsis, former President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Greece
It was with bewilderment followed by great sadness that we learned of the death of Georgis Mitsis on 7 February 2023, a few days before his 64th birthday.
He was president of the Association of Judicial Officers of Athens and Piraeus for twelve years, from 2010 to 2022. He was also President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Greece from 2016 to 2019. After his departure, he continued to assume responsibilities in the Chamber, until his death.
During his mandate, he closely collaborated with the UIHJ and maintained excellent relations with all his foreign colleagues. Everyone remembers his unwavering support for our organisation and his numerous and always highly appreciated interventions. He had wanted to attend the 70th anniversary of the UIHJ in Paris, at the end of November 2022, despite the illness which would take him a few weeks later, and of which he had not let anything appear.
Georgis Mitsis was undoubtedly a fighter. Throughout his professional practice, he always battled for the improvement of the profession of judicial officer and the safeguard of its interests. Deeply human, he had at heart, whenever possible, to help his colleagues in trouble.
His sudden disappearance deeply shocks the world family of judicial officers of which he was one of the pillars. He leaves a big empty space. The UIHJ sends his family, relatives and friends, as well as all judicial officers of Greece, its most saddened condolences.