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The project:
EU Enforcement Atlas is a research project funded by the European Union’s Directorate General Justice and Consumers, with the aim to cover the information gap on enforcement procedures, requirements, competences, costs and timing in the EU-28, including the UK, numbering 30 distinct enforcement systems.
Problem addressed:
When it comes to the actual enforcement of judicial and extrajudicial documents within the European Union, enforcement procedures are carried out on a national level respecting the independency of national judicial systems. The first barrier to judicial cooperation is the lack of open, reliable and updated information on enforcement agents, enforcement procedures, and associated costs. To this moment, the available information on enforcement methods, the application of the enforcement procedures and the connected enforcement costs per Member State is hardly available outside such Member State.
The EU Enforcement Atlas complements the Find A Bailiff initiative by collecting and making available information on the services offered by enforcement agents, and the conditions for their provision. The project, implemented by the Centre for European Constitutional Law – Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation and the International Union of Judicial Officers, addresses the above concerns by:
a) collecting accurate and updated information on enforcement legislation, procedures, expenses and professionals, across all 30 EU enforcement systems (EU-28 including the UK);
b) comparatively analyzing and presenting the collected information in a user-friendly way, with the use of visuals and infographics;
c) making information available online through the project specific website;
d) designing a targeted information campaign, communicated through the internet, social media and national chambers, targeting judicial officers, lawyers, notaries and stakeholders across the EU; and
e) holding an online European Roundtable, on July 8th, 2021, on the future of enforcement of claims and cross-border judicial cooperation, where the information campaign will be launched and the project results discussed.
The EU Enforcement Atlas benefits the International and European Union of Judicial Officers; the National Chambers and associations of Judicial Officers in the EU-28; competent EU Institutions; legal professionals and authorities; as well as citizens and businesses across the EU.
More information on EU Enforcement Atlas:
Information on the news and actions of the project can be found through project’s website.
For more information, please contact the Centre for European Constitutional Law, Annie Camarioti, Project Manager,, or the International Union of Judicial Officers, Jos Uitdehaag,
The closing conference took place on 8th July 2021 under the form of a European Roundtable, aiming to bring together policymakers, enforcement agents, and selected stakeholders in order to initiate discussion on the future of cross-border enforcement in the area of e-justice.
The event has been recorded and can be watched again by clicking the below button.