The Federal association of German judicial officers (DGVB) organized on 16th June 2023 its Congress that occurs only every three years. The topic of the Congress was very promising: “Digitalization and modernization of enforcement” #we do it.
The president of the DGVB, Karlheinz Brunner, welcomed all the participants and gave an overview on the events of the past three years before highlighting the upheavals occurring in relation with the digitization of justice. He furthermore claimed the transmission of further activities to the German judicial officers as e.g., attachment of claims and statement of facts.
Prof. Dr. Paul Kirchhof from the University of Heidelberg was invited as a keynote speaker. With his presentation about “The constitutional mandate of the judicial officer – reflections on the judicial officer as an element of the rule of law”, he focused with excellent on the central role that judicial officers are playing in the judiciary.
During the official opening ceremony, additional welcome speeches were presented by Elisabeth Winkelmeyer-Becker, Legal policy spokeswoman in the German Parliament (Bundestag), Dirk Wiese, member of the German Parliament (Bundestag), Angelika Schlunck, State-Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Uli Silberbach, president of the federation of German civil servants (DBB) and Marc Schmitz, president of the UIHJ and the UEHJ.
Marc Schmitz highlighted the social role and the human character of the judicial officer, especially when it comes to digitization of justice and digitization of enforcement proceedings. To ensure the future of the profession of judicial officers and the efficiency of enforcement proceedings on digital assets, considerations on a global level are required more than ever.
Marc Schmitz thanked furthermore president Karlheinz Brunner for his ongoing support towards the UIHJ and the UEHJ and wished him a well-deserved retirement.