Third edition of the UIHJ practical webinars on enforcement in foreign countries : “How to enforce in…?”
This 3rd practical webinar of the UIHJ on the theme “How to enforce in…” was held on 15 September 2022 and concerned three Central African countries: Cameroon, Congo, and Gabon.
The workshop was moderated by Farafina Boussougou-Bou-Mbine, Doctor of Law, teacher-researcher in private law at the Omar Bongo University of Libreville, Gabon, and lawyer at the Bar of Gabon. The three speakers were Samuel Ename Nkwane, President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Cameroon, Secretary of the Training Unit of African Judicial Officers (Ufohja), Jérôme Okemba Ngabondo, President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Congo, and Florent Mounguengui, President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Gabon.
The webinar was introduced by Mathieu Chardon, Secretary General of the UIHJ. He recalled that this series of webinars of the UIHJ is deliberately oriented towards practice to answer concrete questions on enforcement in a country: necessary documents, competence and identification of enforcement agents, language, applicable enforcement measures, cost, and duration of the process… He specified that the webinars are free, that they are recorded and that individual members of the UIHJ can watch them afterwards (information on the UIHJ website: “About us” and “Individual members”).
The first two webinars in this series took place in March and June 2022. They focused on the enforcement of court decisions in the Baltic countries in March (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), then in the Scandinavian countries in June (Denmark, Finland, Sweden). The fourth edition is scheduled for 15 December 2022 and will concern the United States, Canada, and Brazil.
For two hours, the three speakers were able to communicate very practical information on the enforcement of court decisions in their respective countries and answer questions asked by the many participants.