Sue Collins, Vice-Secretary of the Board of the UIHJ, attended the 37th annual NAPPS conference in Orlando, Florida, May 2nd – 4th 2019.
The National Association of Professional Process Servers (NAPPS), founded in 1982, is the nation’s largest community of professional process servers and the first resource for credible information regarding the process serving profession in the United States, and is a long standing member of the UIHJ.
Members in attendance were addressed by the President, board of directors and committee chairs, who reported on their activities during the previous year and gave updates on nationwide, pertinent information effecting the profession of process servers in the United States.
An educational seminar was presented on marketing businesses through different platform on social media. Facebook was the center of this discussion, with examples on how to use successfully use the Facebook algorithms to be the most effective in disseminating the information to the most beneficial clients.
In response to current and ongoing Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) policies and procedures being mandated and enforced upon Financial Institutions across the U.S., NAPPS created the FSC Accreditation Program, with the intent to pre-qualify members who work directly or indirectly with the financial services sector. A seminar was held to educate the members in attendance and answer questions concerning this new program.
An educational seminar was also given to the members concerning the Secure Document Trading Service platform and how to use it. This service allows members to send and receive documents free of charge between each other, attorneys, paralegals, or anyone that locates a NAPPS member through the NAPPS web site.
The 38th Annual 2020 NAPPS Conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada at Bally’s Hotel on April 30th – May 2nd. Registration information can be found on the NAPPS web site: