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The UIHJ, represented by its President, Marc Schmitz, and its 1st Vice-President, Mathieu Chardon, attended on 4th October 2018 at the Head Office of the Council of Europe in Paris the Press Conference at the occasion of the publication of the 7th report of the Council of Europe’s European Commission on the Efficiency of Justice on European Judicial Systems.


Created in 2002, the CEPEJ is made up of experts from the 47 Council of Europe member States. It has undertaken since 2004 a regular process for evaluating every two years the judicial systems of the Council of Europe member States.

The press conference, also transmitted live on the CEPEJ website, was organized around Stéphane Leyenberger, Executive Secretary of the CEPEJ, Jean-Paul Jean, President of the CEPEJ Working group of the Evaluation of Judicial Systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL), Christel Schurrer, Secretary of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL, Lidjia Naumovska, statistician with the CEPEJ, and Estelle Steiner, Director of Communication of the Council of Europe.

The 2018 CEPEJ report is based on the data collected in 2016. The CEPEJ presented the results of its evaluation cycle through two elements:

–    The report “European Judicial Systems – Efficiency and quality of justice – 2018 Edition” which presents key facts and figures, making it possible to evaluate the state of the judicial systems and their evolution, completed by a document providing an overview.
–    The provision to policy-makers (ministries of Justice, Parliaments, etc.), professionals of justice and researchers of an interactive and dynamic database (CEPEJ-STAT), accessible on the internet. The database makes it possible to select specific data for specific countries (to compare one country to other comparable countries), to cross-reference data, and to generate tables, figures and maps instantly.

Once again, the UIHJ welcomes the quality, precision and great interest of the work done by the CEPEJ. This global unique database is a huge tool to encourage countries to make reforms to improve their justice systems.

Link to the CEPEJ and CEPEJ-STAT: