Name: First Name: Titel: Judicial OfficerProfessorLawyerConsultant
Mail address: Phone: Country: Career summary including relevant experience for supporting UIHJ Experts program (100 words limit) Specific area of expertise: Civil ProcedureCriminal ProcedureProject ManagementNew technologiesTrainingGDPRService of documentsEnforcementMediationStatement of factsEuropean lawInternational private lawOther (please specify)
Language spoken: EnglishFrenchSpanishPortugueseGermanDutchOther (please specify)
Any other relevant information:
Length of commitment for international missions: Short-term: online seminars or one-day events onlyMid-term: able to commit to remote or onsite project 1 to 5 daysLong-term: unlimited commitment, including extended programs for serveral weeks