Czech Republic Death of Vladimír Plášil, President of the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of the Czech Republic The National Chamber of Judicial Officers of the Czech Republic announces with deep sadness that…Marc Schmitz14. December 2020
Dominican Republic Judicial officers association of the Dominican Republic joins the UIHJ On the occasion of the Permanent Council of the UIHJ, held on 26 November 2020 …Marc Schmitz13. December 2020
Bulgaria The Bulgarian Chamber of Private Enforcement Agents celebrated its 15th anniversary On 4 December 2020, the Bulgarian Chamber of Private Enforcement Agents celebrated 15 years since…Marc Schmitz10. December 2020
Europe Adoption of (EU) Regulation No. 2020/1784 on the service of documents Adoption of (EU) Regulation No. 2020/1784 of the European Parliament and the Council of 25…Marc Schmitz7. December 2020
NEWS UIHJ 48 Delegations for the 1st Online Permanent Council in the History of the UIHJ Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the UIHJ organized for the first time on 26 November…Marc Schmitz3. December 2020
NEWS UIHJ Death of Jacques Isnard, honorary president of the UIHJ (3 September 1942 – 23 November 2020) It is with infinite sadness that we learned of the passing of President Jacques Isnard.…Marc Schmitz24. November 2020
Africa UFOHJA online training session New UFOHJA online training session : THE ENFORCEMENT OF COURT DECISIONS AND OTHER ENFORCEMENT TITLES…Marc Schmitz28. October 2020
Romania Doctorate honoris causa for professor Ioan Les To promote the development of judicial or process law, the recognition of an autonomous right of…Marc Schmitz19. October 2020
NEWS UIHJ Call for papers The project « Strengthening cross-border enforcement of judgments » financed by the German Federal Ministry…Marc Schmitz12. October 2020
NEWS UIHJ Publication of a position paper in relation with the service of documents Access to justice is an essential element in ensuring respect for the right to a…Marc Schmitz7. October 2020